The show featured multiple layers of prevention and control measures whilst complying with China’s national anti-epidemic guidelines. To reduce person-to-person contact, the venue featured no box offices; all visitors registered for the show online and used e-tickets and ID cards for entry.
Once at the site, visitors and participants alike submitted to a health code check, temperature reading, ID and security checks before reaching the exhibition hall. Several checkpoints were established to reduce crowding and congestion. Similarly, customer service counters and medical aid stations were distributed across the venue.
The exhibition hall itself was subjected to frequent disinfection and safety inspections. Further crowd control measures inside ensured that visitors could circulate through the space without bunching. Visitors were made aware of the safety guidelines through a wide range of communication channels.
As the event took place during China’s busy ‘Golden Week’ holiday, the team created a traffic diversion scheme, established temporary additional carparks and imposed special parking instructions to effectively thin out traffic around JJCEC.