Tokyo Olympic tech takeaway
Lawrence Chia
Chairman, Pico Group

In the events industry, the general trend in recent years has been to adopt new technologies which improve efficiency and reduce human error. The upcoming Tokyo 2020 Olympics are set to show just how pervasive technologies have become even on the level of international events. Indeed, the Tokyo Olympics are expected to be the ‘most innovative’ Games ever – a showcase of Japanese technological strength.  

In his Headline Finance column, the Chairman picks Olympic tech with the potential for wider applications in future events, particularly in the areas of venue security and staff safety. He also foresees that new technologies will continue to drive the development of sporting events. Event planners should also look to them for inspiration to solve the challenges they face today.

*The above is a summary of the original Chinese article.

The full insights article was first published in Headline Finance (E-newspaper versionWebpage version) on 27 June 2019 (in Chinese only).